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Programs of study

Program Definitions and Categories


Degree Programs


Associate Degree for Transfer (A.A.-T or A.S.-T)

The Associate of Arts for Transfer (AA-T) and Associate of Science for Transfer (AS-T) are new Associate Degrees designed to prepare students for transfer to the California State University (CSU) system while earning an Associate Degree at BCC. These transfer programs are designed to make it easier for CSU-bound students to successfully transfer with full credit for universal lower-division major requirements that are recognized by all 23 CSU campuses. Students can prepare to transfer to the CSU system using just one set of preparation courses for their major rather than having to meet different requirements for multiple campuses. 

Associate Degree (A.A or A.S. – not for transfer to a CSU)

BCC also offers Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees that are not designed specifically for transfer to the CSU system. All Associate degrees offered at BCC are designed to provide students with the necessary skills to compete successfully in related job markets. Completion of an Associate degree may not adequately satisfy all transfer major requirements. Students are encouraged to meet with a counselor to develop an academic program best suited for their goals, transfer institution, and intended major.


For more degree benefits or if you would like to learn more about Associate Degree requirements please contact a counselor.


Certificate Programs


Certificates of Achievement

Certificates of Achievement are programs of study consisting of 18 units or more that provide extensive preparation in the designated field. They are intended to certify that students who have successfully completed the program are prepared to enter the careers associated with their chosen certificate. They usually take one to two years to complete. 


 Skills Certificates

Barstow Community College also offers many programs resulting in the award of Skills Certificates. These certificates are under 18 units, and, while the local development and approval process is rigorous, they do not require approval by the state Chancellor's Office. These certificates are designed to provide the student with a brief but intense course of study in a particular area, so that he or she may develop specific skills or prepare for an entry-level position in the field. Successful completion of these programs also may certify that students are prepared with a particular set of skills, such as the job entry skills leading to a full Certificate of Achievement program, or skills to upgrade or advance in an existing career. These programs often provide advancement on a "career ladder," and are therefore of shorter duration and narrower in scope than the Certificate of Achievement programs to which they may lead.