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    CARE Grant 2024 Student Recipient Testimonials

Welcome to CARE



The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a component of the EOPS program that is geared toward EOPS students who are single parents receiving CalWORKs/cash aid and have one or more children in the household. The aim of CARE is to assist students in increasing their educational skills, enhancing their employability, becoming more confident and self-sufficient, and encouraging success with the transition from cash aid to financial independence.


CARE Program Eligibility:

Students must meet all of the following:

  • Participate in the EOPS program
  • Be at least 18 years of age or older
  • Be a single parent/head of household
  • Must currently receive CalWORKs/cash aid for themselves or their child(ren)


CARE Program Services:

CARE provides extra academic support to meet the unique needs of EOPS single parents.  In addition to EOPS services, CARE also assists with:

  • Weekly grocery cards
  • Childcare stipends
  • School supplies
  • More benefit card options
  • Spring Semester Grants
  • Opportunity to attend the annual CARE Conference (selected students will participate in group and individual workshops tailored to single parents in their quest for higher education and independence)
  • Additional seasonal services such as Christmas toy drives, and diaper giveaways (these services are based on donations from our community partners)


Child Care Forms:

Child Care Application

Child Care Timesheet

Child Care W-9 Form

How to Apply for CARE

Create an OpenCCC account first. You will need a real email address. Next, apply and submit your application here OpenCCC. If you already have an OpenCCC account, just login. Check your email after you have applied as you will receive your BCC BNumber and further instructions (check junk mail if you did not receive it).

Complete the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application (DACA students). Remember, you want to apply early!

Once you have applied, you will get an email informing you if orientation, placement, and education planning are required. To complete orientation, click here. See a counselor to help select your classes. Watch the video tutorial on how to schedule an appointment with a counselor here. If you have a general question to ask a counselor, you can complete the form here Contact a Counselor.

Register for courses! Review the Schedule of Classes and then register for courses by logging into your MyBCC Portal.  

EOPS/CARE: 12 or more units

NextUp: 9 units or more

CalWORKs: 6 units or more

  Complete the online Special Programs & Services (SPS) application using the button below. After submitting your application, a staff member of our Special Programs & Services team will be reaching out to you. 

If you are applying for EOPS, you will need to have the following:

  • Enrolled as a full-time student (12 or more units)
  • Completed your FAFSA and qualify for CCPG A, B, or C with zero EFC
  • Prior college/university transcripts if you attended another institution
  • Below 70 transferable college units from any institution

As CARE is a subprogram to EOPS, you will need to have the following:

  • Complete the CalWORKs Release of Information form to allow program staff to contact the county office on your behalf to receive your Verification of Benefits. 

If you are applying for NEXTUP, you will need to have the following:

  • Enrolled in at least 9 units or more (students in less than 9 students may be accepted into the program if the intent is to enroll in 9 units in a primary semester)
  • Current or former foster youth (in foster care on or after 13th birthday) or previously in the NEXTUP program at another community college
  • Under the age of 26 at the start of the academic year (July 1st)
  • Provide foster youth documentation:
    • Confirmation of foster youth history by the State Foster Youth Ombudsperson's office via student request. Click link to request form - Verification Request Form 
    • Contact the State Foster Youth Ombudsperson's office at 1-844-846-1602 or via email at (on the subject include: NextUp Verification for Barstow Community College)
    • A letter from your county caseworker containing DOB, age and time in foster care system

If you are applying for CalWORKs, you will need to have the following:

  • Enrolled as a part-time student (6 or more units)
  • Complete the CalWORKs Release of Information form to allow program staff to contact the county office on your behalf to receive your Verification of Benefits. 

*EOPS/CARE and CalWORKs do not accept summer applications. For Fall and Spring, you must apply by the stated deadline dates.*

Special Programs & Services Application          Release of Information