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The Accessibility Coordination Center and Educational Support Services ​​​​​​(ACCESS) provides services for students with disabilities in compliance with both Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We strive to eliminate the educational barrier unique to students with disabilities.

ACCESS Mission

Barstow Community College provides a variety of services and classes through ACCESS in an effort to equalize educational opportunities for students with disabilities as they move toward their educational or vocational goals.

  • Academic Counseling
  • Registration Assistance
  • Priority Registration
  • Cart Mobility Assistance
  • E-Text
  • Sign Language Interpreters
  • Note Taking Assistance
  • Instructional Aides
  • Test Taking Administration
  • 30 Unit Wavier for LD/ABI Students
  • Liaison with the Department of Rehabilitation
  • Assistive Computer Technology 


Program Eligibility

In order to be eligible for support services or instruction authorized under Title V, a student must have a verified impairment which results in an educational limitation must be currently enrolled in college, and must have a Student Education Contract in place. Eligibility for each service provided must be directly related to one of the following disability categories cited in Sections 56032 through 56044 of Title V, California Code of Regulations.

Barstow Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or disabled veteran status in the provision of educational services and programs or in the employment process, pursuant to Federal and State statutes and regulations pertaining to unlawful discrimination.

ACCESS also honors and provides educational support services for Veterans who have a rating. Provide a copy of your disability rating that mentions the nature of your disability to ACCESS in place of the provided disability verification form, which can be obtained through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

All new students will need to complete the ACCESS intake form below and provide your verifying professional with the disability verification form. 

ACCESS Intake Form

Disability Verification Form (Print or forward to your doctor)

Hard copies of these forms are available at the ACCESS office. 

Any of the following documentation may substitute the disability verification form provided. 

  • Any IEP
  • Veterans Rating
  • Regional Center documentation
  • Department of Rehabilitation documentation
  • Diagnosis from a psychiatrist 
  • Other medical documentation  

After the verifying documentation has been obtained, please email documentation to or bring the information to our campus office for review.

Please contact ACCESS if you have any questions about these forms. We would be happy to assist.


For questions about Section 504/ADA contact:

Section 504 Coordinator

Dr. Eduardo Vasquez
Barstow Community College
2700 Barstow Road,
Barstow, CA 92311
Phone: 760-252-2411 ext. 7322