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The Viking Shop is the campus and community resource for textbooks, supplies and other course materials. In addition to required class items, the Viking Shop has a variety of additional study aids available. As the only campus store, it offers a selection of college logo items, including apparel, and gift items. An array of snack items can also be purchased. The store is currently located in the “D” Building, which is the first building on the right at the main campus entrance. Online services, including, textbook ordering is also available by visiting:

Viking Shop

The store can also be reached by phone during normal business hours, at (760) 252-6722.

Bookstore Manager
(760) 252-6722


The Viking Shop mission is to develop programs and services that support the learning environment. In addition, we work to develop innovative ways to increase community awareness of Barstow College through programs and services that develop the Barstow Community College brand.