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Student Success and Equity

Student Success & Equity

Student Success and Equity works with campus stakeholders to demolish achievement gaps for students from traditionally underrepresented populations. The Student Equity and Achievement Program funds the Student Equity Plan.  The funding guidelines also requires the college it implement the Guided Pathways framework by offering a clear path to a stated goal, to provide all students with an education plan based on that goal, and to toss aside outdated and inaccurate placement policies that are keeping far too many from completing their goals in a timely manner.

Student Success & Equity Committee

The Student Success and Equity Committee is a shared governance entity. The committee assist the institution in the creation of the Student Equity Plan which is focused on boosting achievement as measured by specific “success indicators” (access, course completion, ESL and basic skills completion, degrees and certificates awarded, and transfer rates) and requires each college to develop detailed goals and measures addressing disparities that are discovered. The committee follows specific guidelines from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) to extract and evaluate data to make informed decision on recommending programs and services to close the achievement gaps for disproportionality impacted students.

Current Program Plans

2022-2025 Student Equity Plan

Archived Plans


2019-2022 Student Equity Plan Executive Summary

2019-2022 Student Equity Plan

2017-2019 Barstow College Integrated Plan Executive Summary (Student Success & Support/Student Equity/Basic Skills)

2017-2019 Barstow College Integrated Plan (Student Success & Support/Student Equity/Basic Skills)

Student Success Plan 2015-16 (continued into 2016-17)

Student Equity Plan 2015-16 (continued into 2016-17)

Student Success Plan 2014-15

Student Equity Plan 2014-15