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Student-Parent Support

Here at Barstow Community College, it is our mission to ensure the success of all of our students.

Student-Parents at Barstow Community College can receive access to a plethora of resources including, but not limited to, priority registration, financial aid, special programs & services, academic counseling, mental health counseling, and access to campus clubs and organizations.


Resources offered at BCC for student-parents:

Priority Registration:

Barstow Community College supports parenting students in accordance with the Education Code by offering priority registration for students who are parents. A student parent is defined as a student who has a minor dependent residing with them.

Student-parents must also meet all of the other Priority Registration criteria as well. For further information regarding Priority Registration at Barstow Community College, please visit:



The CalFresh program (formerly known as Food Stamps) helps low-income households increase their food-buying power to meet their household’s nutritional needs. CalFresh benefits issued through Electronic Benefit Transfer, also known as EBT cards, can be used in grocery stores and participating Farmer's Markets.

CalFresh is based on income and is open to children, U.S. citizens, and certain non-citizens. Our Special Programs & Services staff can assist with determining eligibility and with the application process. Please contact Special Programs & Services at

Apply here:


California Earned Income Tax Credit:

If you work and have low income, you may qualify for the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC). This credit gives you a refund or reduces your tax owed.

If you qualify for the CalEITC, and you have a child under the age of 6, then you may also qualify for the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC). Together, these state credits can put hundreds or even thousands of dollars in your pocket.

For further information regarding California Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Young Child Tax Credit, please visit:,child%20under%206%20years%20old.



The California Community Colleges CalWORKs Program is a state-funded program that assists current Cash Aid recipients in achieving long-term self-sufficiency through the attainment of higher education. At Barstow Community College, the CalWORKs Program aims to assist you with educational and career planning, as well as serving as a liaison to the county.


Mattie Mendibles

Student Success Advisor

(760) 252-7358

For further information regarding Barstow Community College’s CalWORKs program, please visit:



The primary goal of EOPS is to encourage the enrollment, retention, and transfer of students disadvantaged by language, social, economic, and educational barriers, and to facilitate the successful completion of their goals and objectives in college.

For further information regarding Barstow Community College’s EOPS program, please visit:




The CARE Program is geared toward EOPS students who are single parents receiving CalWORKs/cash aid and have one or more children in the household. The aim of CARE is to assist students to increase their educational skills, enhancing their employability, becoming more confident and self-sufficient, and encouraging success with the transition from cash aid to financial independence.


Nora Aguayo

EOPS Program Coordinator

(760) 252-7209


For further information regarding Barstow Community College’s CARE Program, please visit:


Homeless/Housing Insecurity Program (HHIP):

Having a place to call home is an essential part of a student’s success. A study by the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice found that 19% of California community college students have been homeless in the past year and 60% have experienced recent housing insecurity.  The Homeless and Housing Insecurity Program (HHIP) at Barstow Community College is dedicated to assisting students who require stable housing, that way they can successfully work towards receiving a college degree. 


Shannon Batchev

Interim Program Manager

(760) 252-6898

For further information regarding Barstow Community College’s HHIP Program, please visit:


Food Pantry:

We learn as whole people. To learn effectively you must have basic security: a roof over your head, a safe place to sleep, and enough food to eat. If you need assistance with any of these areas, Barstow Community College has staff dedicated to addressing your basic needs. 


(760) 252-6901


For further information regarding Barstow Community College’s Food Pantry, please visit:



Financial Aid:

Financial Aid assists students to obtain their academic, career, and personal goals by providing financial information and resources.



(760) 252-7205


For further information regarding Financial Aid at Barstow Community College, please visit: