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Homeless/Housing Insecurity Program (HHIP)

Having a place to call home is an essential part of a student’s success. A study by the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice found that 19% of California community college students have been homeless in the past year and 60% have experienced recent housing insecurity.  The Homeless and Housing Insecurity Program (HHIP) at Barstow Community College is dedicated to assisting enrolled students who qualify and require stable housing, to ensure successful work towards receiving a college degree. 



Eligibility: The Homeless and Housing Insecurity Program (HHIP) is available for registered and qualifying students living in San Bernardino County. For most financial services, the enrolled student will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Be a resident of San Bernardino County.  
  • Meet the HHIP definition of homeless or housing insecure.
  • Must meet student satisfactory academic progress (GPA of 2.0 or higher) while maintaining enrollment in at least six (6) units each during Spring or Fall semester and at least three (3) units during Summer.
  • Enrolled classes must be in the current session.
  • Have already completed six (6) units at Barstow Community College.
  • Have completed an educational plan with an Academic Counselor.
  • Have fewer than 70-degree applicable units.
  • Complete a Financial Aid application for the current academic year.

Program benefits are available for eligible enrolled students once in a college lifetime. If the enrolled student is uncertain of their current eligibility, we encourage them to apply. We can also assist with college and community resources tailored to the enrolled student's needs by providing case management and appropriate referrals 

College Focused Rapid Rehousing Services
College Focused Rapid Rehousing services provide flexible rental subsidies and supportive services to assist eligible enrolled students experiencing homelessness to assist in permanent housing and complete educational goals as quickly as possible. Other services include everything from utility arrears to furnishings, move-in costs, and employment development. Services are available for eligible enrolled students once in a college lifetime depending on the circumstances. 

Housing Stabilization Services
Housing Stabilization Services provides enrolled students and their dependents who are at imminent risk of homelessness with time-limited financial assistance and housing stabilization services necessary to maintain their current housing, OR find new housing to avoid becoming homeless and entering the emergency shelter system. Stabilization Services shall not exceed 6 months.  

Case Management
Case Management helps students set goals and work on strategies to make positive improvements in their lives whether it be financial, emotional, academic or health-related. A case manager can connect the enrolled student with other community programs and services based on their unique needs. Participation in a case management program can also possibly help enrolled students meet their eligibility requirements for financial assistance.

Emergency Housing Grants
Emergency Housing Grants are one-time grants determined per eligible enrolled student who needs secure housing or to prevent the imminent loss of housing.

New Hope Village

New Hope Village knows it takes hard work and teamwork to make the dream a reality. By teaching life skills and partnering with social organizations, clients are given the opportunity to start over again. Our amazing team of regular and part-time volunteers is committed to helping others.  New Hope Village's mission is to provide subsidized housing and wraparound supportive services to homeless families and individuals in order to empower them to permanently break out of homelessness, food insecurities, and poverty. 

Desert Sanctuary Haley House

There is hope for a better life. The victim of Domestic Violence CAN live a life that is free of pain, terror, and torture. One CAN make a difference. It’s a long road back into the safe, sane, normal world, but one CAN find help, and with help, one CAN walk that road one step at a time. One CAN make the first step right now. One is encouraged to gather the courage and make the first phone call: (760) 256-3733  

San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership

The San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership (SBCHP) is a countywide public and private partnership established to coordinate services and resources to end homelessness in San Bernardino County. Services provided through SBCHP collectively include rental assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services to ensure housing affordability to individuals experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness. Services are coordinated through Inland Empire United Way 2-1-1’s Coordinated Entry System for homeless-related services.   



Get help putting food on the table.  Apply for CalFresh in just 10 minutes.  Applicants may be eligible to get up to $234 a month per household member on an EBT card. Amount varies per applicant.

Cash Assistance

The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids (CalWORKs) is a public assistance program that gives cash assistance and services to eligible California families in need. If a family has little or no cash and needs housing, food, utilities, clothing, or medical care, they may be eligible to receive immediate short-term help.

San Bernardino County Workforce Development 

The WDB operates three America’s Job Centers of California (AJCC) located in the East Valley, West Valley, and High Desert communities.  Uniquely positioned to support local customers during times of economic growth or decline, the AJCCs provide the assistance required to meet changing workforce needs.  Visit your local AJCC for help with skills assessment, identifying career paths, updating your resume, preparing for job interviews, and for assistance in funding training programs.

San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health

The County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health's website is a tool to help meet your behavioral health and substance abuse needs. This website has been created for clients, family members, organizations, and individuals to help on the journey to rehabilitation and recovery. 

Medi-Cal/COVERED California

Covered California and Medi-Cal use the same application. That means that once you apply, you’ll find out which program you qualify for. Some households qualify for both.