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Barstow College Promise Program Expansion

Barstow, CA – Barstow Community College District is pleased to announce the launch of Promise 2.0, succeeding the original Promise program. Promise 2.0 has expanded who can qualify for the program, as well as the duration of benefits for eligible students.

The Barstow College Promise program is now available to all eligible first-time college students, as well as all eligible AB540 students. Barstow College Promise now offers eligible students the opportunity to earn their associate degree or certification debt-free, with two years of paid tuition.

The Barstow College Promise has been expanded to any California resident, and/or AB540-qualifying student regardless of age or high school graduation date, as long as they are a first-time, full-time college student.

First-time college students are defined as students who have never completed any credit courses at any college or university prior to applying for Barstow College Promise. Having attended noncredit or adult education courses does not disqualify a student from being considered a first-time college student.

Having attended college as a concurrent (K-12) student does not disqualify a student from being a first- time college student.

The Barstow College Promise program covers enrollment fees/tuition for 2 academic school years for qualifying Promise students who enroll full-time every semester. This affords students to earn their certificates or associate degree debt-free; even if they do not qualify for any other financial aid, regardless of income.

AB540 students who have completed the online California Dream Act application may qualify for Barstow College Promise program. California Assembly Bill 540, or AB540 is a California law that allows all students who qualify, including undocumented students to pay in-state tuition fees at all California Community Colleges.

For more information, please contact the Public Information Office via email at