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Barstow Community College to participate in the Inland Empire University Transfer Fair

Transfer Fair

Featuring over 60 Universities

Barstow, CA: California Community Colleges of the Inland Empire will be hosting a free Virtual Transfer fair for all community college students in the Riverside and San Bernardino counties.  The event will take place Tuesday, September 21st, 2021, from 10:00AM -1:00 PM PDT and is open to all community college students, faculty, and staff. Over 60 University representatives from institutions representing the University of California (UC) California State University (CSU) in-state private schools and out-of-state schools will be sharing admissions information for prospective students. Sessions will begin every half-hour throughout the event and participants may choose the sessions to attend. 

Students may register for this free event at and search for “ 2021 Virtual University Transfer Fair” or through  to see the full list of participating schools. With more than 2.1 million students at 116 colleges, the California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the country. One in every four community college students in the nation attend a California community college.

The Inland Empire Region 9 Transfer Consortium is one of 10 California Community College Regions and serves the students of Barstow Community College, Cerro Coso Community College, Chaffey College, College of the Desert, Copper Mountain College, Crafton Hills College, Moreno Valley College, Mt. San Jacinto College, Norco College, Palo Verde College, Riverside City College, San Bernardino Valley College, Victor Valley College. 

For additional information please contact Aleah Jameson Goodvich – Transfer & Career Center Coordinator at 760-252-2411 ext. 6793 or by email at: