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BCC History in the Making

Barstow, CA – A history of Barstow Community College (BCC) is being produced as we prepare to celebrate six decades of higher education in the Barstow District. The college is inviting members of the community, founders of the college, current and former administrators, instructors and alumni to participate in the data collection process. This project was conceived by Superintendent/President Dr. Deborah DiThomas and the College Board of Trustees. History Professor, Catherine Feher-Elston, has been selected to prepare, write and publish this history of the college.

"It is an honor to work on the history of this 'Desert Campus'," Feher-Elston explained. "Barstow and the Mojave Desert region have very ancient and interesting histories, and the founding and development of the college is certainly an important part of the historic tapestry. I look forward to meeting many interesting people while working on this project."

Feher-Elston teaches history at the college and at Ft. Irwin and is the award-winning author of three major books. Her latest book, Wolfsong: A Natural and Fabulous History of Wolves, was released through the Penguin Group. The first in her Naturesong series, Ravensong: A Natural and Fabulous History of Ravens and Crows, was chosen as Best Book in the West by the Rocky Mountain Publishers Association. Her first major book, Children of Sacred Ground, is considered essential reading in Native American studies.

Feher-Elston joined the Barstow Community College faculty in 2012, after returning to California from working on development and endangered species issues in Idaho, Washington and Montana. In addition to teaching, she serves as advisor to the Black Student Union and Native American Students.

Members of the Press are invited to meet with Professor Feher-Elston and discuss plans for the written and oral history of the college on September 24, 2015 at 11:00 AM. We will be meeting in the Conference
Room in the Learning Resource Center (Library) on campus. Please RSVP to Michelle Berndt if you will be able to attend or send a representative. Mrs. Berndt can also be reached at (760) 252-2411 ext. 7349.

Chris Clarke, Director of Public Relations, Communications and Marketing at the college, will also be at this meeting. “We will be collecting photos and college memorabilia that is relevant to this history project.” People who want to contribute pictures or interview with Professor Feher-Elston may contact Michelle Berndt, the secretary of our Public Information Office, to schedule an appointment to interview or donate historic documents and photos.

The history will be published on the college’s website – - with images, videos and recordings of interviews that are collected over the next year. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by the beginning of the Fall Semester, 2016.