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Grand Opening of the College Wellness Center

Wellness Center

Barstow, CA – Barstow Community College (BCC) has completed work on its new Wellness Center and has scheduled a Grand Opening event for the community on October 22nd, starting at 4:30 PM. Everyone is invited to this premier event that is co-sponsored by Barstow Community Hospital.

BCC District Superintendent/President, Dr. Debbie DiThomas, and Board of Trustees President, Marcia Pierce, will be unveiling the building plaque at 5:00 PM. The community is invited to help commemorate this event by participating in a Breast Cancer Awareness Walk on the new indoor track. Walkers are encouraged to donate $10 to walk, and will receive a free pink T-shirt. The college clubs will be there, and there will be a Tai Chi demonstration by students attending Professor Zhenying Jiang’s classes. The event will also feature workshops given by the hospital. They will include the following services and information: 1) Digital Mammograms; 2) Blood Pressure Screenings; 3) Blood Cholesterol Screenings; 4) Providing FREE Fecal Occult Screening Kits; and 5) Providing Information to promote Nutrition Awareness in our community.

The Wellness Center is a significant investment in the health and fitness of our college students. $12.46 Million was spent on construction. Approximately 90% of the funding for the project was provided by the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office Capital Outlay Program. The facility incorporates many energy efficient features including an energy management system, dual glazing, roofing over rigid insulation board, and an energy efficient main plant.

The project includes 24,413 sq.ft. of new classrooms and educational space and a 1,425 sq.ft. Field House to support associated outdoor athletic sports. It is a two-story building. The first floor includes a large, open, multifunctional space that can support indoor volleyball, tennis, badminton and basketball. It also includes state of the art exercise machines, free weights, offices and restrooms. The second floor includes an indoor track and two divisible rooms for physical education and lecture.

All students, faculty, and members of the community are invited to attend this event at Barstow Community College. More information about the building, and the new classes that will be offered, will be available during the event and on the BCC website: