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Higher Education Becoming More Accessible to All

Barstow, CA – In the Fall of 2016, Barstow Community College will finalize its Educational Master Plan that outlines the college’s educational pathways for the next decade. The Master Plan is a collaborative effort that involves the college’s board of trustees, managers, faculty, staff, and students, working with local businesses, community leaders, and the State Chancellor’s Office. Experienced advisors from the Cambridge West Partnership, have also been engaged to help create the Master Plan that will serve as an important resource in the college administration’s decision making process.

“Student success, equity, and opportunity are the principal focal points of the plan,” said Dr. Deborah DiThomas, Superintendent/President of the BCC district. She added, “We are developing a plan that creates higher education opportunities for all residents of the high desert in our district.”

BCC serves a large geographic area in the high desert of San Bernardino County, therefore online or “distance education” is a key element of this plan. The college has also organized a new Student Success Center on campus to help ensure that students have the resources and help they need to reach their educational goals. These areas of focus are further emphasized by two new Deans that have recently been hired at BCC.

Two New BCC Deans

Tim Botengan is the new Dean of Distance Education and Learning Support Services. Tim has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Technology summa cum laude from Mt. Sierra College, and a Master’s Degree in Education summa cum laude, with a concentration in Leadership and Administration, from Trident University International. Tim’s career in higher education began in 2003 when he served on a committee to review and provide feedback on online courses at Mt. Sierra College. This is where he found a passion for assisting students and for collaborating with faculty in the development of effective and engaging online courses. This passion ultimately convinced him to change from a career in Real Estate, where he was a Real Estate Broker for over twenty years, to a career in Higher Education. He became an Instructional Designer, moved on to serve as Curriculum Development Manager, then to Director of Online Education, and eventually to Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Mt. Sierra College. Additionally, he taught courses, both face-to-face and online, and served on several committees including Program Review, Technology, Accreditation, Distance Education, and Curriculum. He is a welcome addition to the leadership team at BCC.

Dr. Tonia Teresh is the new Dean of Student Success and Equity. She recently completed the Doctor of Education program at Northeastern University, with research focused on the professional development needs of faculty, staff and administrators implementing the state’s Student Success and Support Program. She has spent over 15 years working in various student services roles in both the community college and four-year college environments. At Diablo Valley College, Dr. Teresh oversaw student outreach, assessment and other enrollment support services. Her university experience includes developing learning communities, leadership programs and diversity education initiatives at California State University and University of California campuses. As a first-generation college student herself, Dr. Teresh was inspired by her undergraduate advisors to enter the student affairs profession in order to increase access to higher education and to help students meet their goals. She is already making a difference in the lives of BCC students this Fall.

BCC has reached some important milestones in both distance education, and student success and equity.

BCC Distance Education Milestones

  • BCC’s distance education courses started in January of 1997 on an experimental development platform that allowed teachers to provide instruction, and eventually full courses via the Internet.

  • In January of 2012 BCC adopted the Moodle open source learning platform that utilized Blackboard technology and resources - which significantly increased access and provided new online tools to instructors and students.

  • By the 2014-15 school year more than half of the classes taught at BCC were online, with an instructor pool that included most BCC faculty, and a larger adjunct faculty that offered courses from offsite locations across the globe.

  • During the 2015 -16 school year, BCC began testing the new Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) that is being adopted by the State Chancellor’s Office as the new CA standard for Distance Education.

    Recent Advancements in Student Success and Equity

  • Student Services programs organized a successful back-to-school open house to get new students enrolled for Fall 2016. Staff and counselors were on hand to help students complete admissions applications, orientation, education plans and register for courses.

  • Summer Bridge provided workshops to over 60 recent high school graduates. These activities focused on helping students increase their math and English skills and gave them a preview of what would be expected of them in college.

  • In July, 2016, a smartphone app called GradGuru was launched to help remind students about campus deadlines and dates, provide ongoing tips, and to encourage students to earn badges and prizes for taking care of important student business such as meeting with a counselor and making an educational plan.

  • Additional counselors have established their offices in the Student Success Center to help provide increased assistance to students.

  • More tutors and basic skills workshops have been added to strengthen student performance in English and math.

    High desert residents interested in a college education now have more resources available to help them succeed. Staff members are available to assist students with the application and registration process. To learn more about available programs, residents can call (760) 252-2411 or research the opportunities available at BCC online at –