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Summer Youth Program Completed at BCC

Barstow, CA – Sandra Thomas, Dean of Instruction/ Workforce & Economic Development at Barstow Community College, was the Master of Ceremonies at the CTE 2015 Summer Youth Program Awards Ceremony. College personnel, community partners, and 75 youth were recognized for their completion of the 4 week program that started on June 15th. “Transition To Tomorrow” was the theme of the program this summer. The classes were held from 9 AM to 12 Noon, Monday through Thursday each week at the Career Education and Workforce Development Center on State Street, in Barstow. The awards ceremony was held in the same building on July 9th at 10 AM.

During the Awards Ceremony the participating youth (6th, 7th, and 8th Graders) narrated a tour of the different components of the program. Parents and members of the community were shown projects and the equipment used for instruction which included Classic Cars, Robotic Welding, 3D Printers, Industrial Maintenance Panels, and lots of computers.

Field trips were an important part of the program where the youth participated in activities and service projects. Field trips included:

  • City of Barstow

  • Police Department

  • Barstow Fire Protection District

  • Barstow Area Chamber of Commerce

  • Rimrock Villa Convalescent Home

  • Salvation Army

  • Barstow Veterans Home

  • DBAIA Logistics Services

  • Barstow Community College Main Campus

    A video of the highlights of the program was shown before the certificates of completion were handed out. All of the participants were given a copy of the video, a certificate, and a “yearbook” of the Class of 2015. Four of the College’s Board of Trustees were present at the ceremony, along with Superintendent/President, Deborah DiThomas, and Vice Presidents and Deans of the College. Dr. DiThomas commented during her remarks at the ceremony, “this has been a successful program and the college anticipates hosting it for many years to come.”

    The College’s Mission Statement indicates the importance of these types of programs and the College’s commitment to the community, “Barstow Community College is an accredited, open access institution of higher learning committed to providing our students, community, and military population with the educational tools needed to achieve personal goals and professional growth. To accomplish this, the college offers traditional and distance education courses, programs, and pathways designed to enhance student success, leadership development, and career opportunities, enabling all in the community to thrive in a changing global society.” To learn more about the college and the many programs provided to the community, residents can visit the College’s website at: