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Summer Youth Program Registration Begins at BCC

Barstow, CA – Sandra Thomas, Dean of Instruction/ Workforce & Economic Development at Barstow Community College (BCC), has announced the opening of registration for the 8th Annual Career Technical Education (CTE) S.T.E.M. Summer Youth Program. This program is available for 6th-8th graders and is scheduled to be held from June 13 - July 7, 2016 (Orientation is June 9th). The Program is typically held from 9 am - 12 noon Monday - Thursday with some variation depending on the day’s activities. The summer youth program is free of charge to participants and will be held in Barstow, primarily at Barstow College’s Career Education and Workforce Development Center located at 1501 State St. Barstow, CA 92311 with some special events being held at other locations in Barstow.

The program provides fun and educational opportunities for participants to engage in the area of Career Technical Education. Some anticipated components of this year’s Summer Youth Program include: Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Video Production/Photography, Tours, Project-Based Learning, and Community Service. Field trips have been an important part of the program where the youth participate in various learning activities and service projects. Field trips last year included:

  • City of Barstow

  • Police Department

  • Barstow Fire Protection District

  • Barstow Area Chamber of Commerce

  • Rimrock Villa Convalescent Home

  • Salvation Army

  • Barstow Veterans Home

  • DBAIA Logistics Services

  • Barstow Community College Main Campus

    Space is limited for this program so parents are encouraged to sign their youth up now. The registration form can be found on the BCC website at - For people unfamiliar with the program, some of the previous years’ videos can also be viewed on the website. The completed registration forms should be emailed to:, or faxed to 760-252-6798 (follow- up by phone at 760-252-6799 to verify receipt), or delivered in person at 1501 State St. Barstow, CA 92311.

    The Summer Youth Program is hosted by BCC and is supported in part by a generous grant from Southern California Edison. For more information about the Summer Youth Program, and other Career and Technical Education programs offered at BCC, residents may call our CTE office at 760-252-6799, or visit the college’s website at: