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Naloxone Distribution Project


Naloxone Saves Lives Graphic

Campus Opioid Safety Act

The Campus Opioid Safety Act (Senate Bill 367) went into effect as of January 1, 2023, and requires California Community Colleges to educate all students about opioid overdose and prevention, and to distribute federally-approved overdose reversal medication. These measures hope to reduce opioid-related overdoses and deaths in our community.

What is the Naloxone Distribution Project?

In compliance with the Campus Opioid Safety Act, Barstow Community College participates in the Department of Health Care Services’ (DHCS) Naloxone Distribution Project, supplying our campus with Naloxone (Narcan).

What is Naloxone?

Where can I find Naloxone on Campus?

Each Building Safety Officer (BSO) at Barstow Community College will have Narcan kits included their safety and first aid supplies. For more information regarding BSOs and where Naloxone is located on campus, please reach out to the office of the Vice President of Administrative Services (VPAS office).

Who can Administer Naloxone?

All employees and students should be familiar with where Narcan is located on campus and how to administer it. California’s Good Samaritan law protects individuals who administer naloxone in a medical emergency.

All Barstow Community College staff and students must watch the “Administering Naloxone” training video from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH):

Administering Naloxone - Training Video (YouTube)


Recognizing an overdose


Post Overdose Steps


Recognizing an overdose (Spanish)


Post overdose steps (Spanish)

Additional information and resources can be found at the CDPH website at: Campus Opioid Safety Act.

PDF: Opioid Overdose Prevention On College Campuses Factsheet