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Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)


Barstow Community College Institutional Learning Outcomes

Approved by Institutional Effectiveness Committee January 2023

Graduates of Barstow Community College will be able to communicate clearly, through verbal, written and visual methods while listening openly to, and observing others. 

Some examples may include:

  • Speaks clearly and respectfully 
  • Writes coherently and professionally with correct spelling, grammar and syntax 
  • Listens actively and acknowledges understanding 
  • Recognizes and understands non-verbal cues and responds appropriately 
  • Utilizes appropriate tone and language for intended audience and purpose 
  • Demonstrates college-level reading comprehension 
  • Communicates with culturally inclusive/sensitive considerations toward diverse and protected populations 

Graduates of Barstow Community College will be able to gather, analyze, synthesize and apply factual information from a variety of physical and technological resources in an ethical and legal manner.  

Some examples may include:

  • Demonstrates the ability to locate credible research and evidence utilizing appropriate tools 
  • Discerns factual sources of information for any research topic 
  • Navigates websites and understands how to determine site and content credibility 
  • Employs academic research skills that transition to career use 
  • Effectively communicates information through the utilization of technology (i.e. .doc, .ppt) 

Graduates of Barstow Community College will be able to think critically using appropriate methods of reasoning and inquiry, including mathematical and scientific, to evaluate ideas, identify and investigate real-world issues and develop ethical, innovative, and practical solutions. 

Some examples may include:

  • Applies accurate and logical analysis to achieve desired outcomes 
  • Sorts through relevant and irrelevant information efficiently to summarize main concepts or key ideas 
  • Synthesizes different types of information to create new ideas or support an existing thought or idea 
  • Applies scientific reasoning and quantitative methods to develop solutions 
  • Demonstrates an ability to develop innovative solutions to real-world issues   
  • Utilizes tools, resources and self-guided inquiry to draw conclusions 

Graduates of Barstow Community College will be able to demonstrate skills required for living as a responsible, ethical and contributing member of a global society while exhibiting an inclusive, equity-minded, and culturally aware worldview. 

Some examples may include:

  • Analyzes social, economic and environmental issues from a global perspective 
  • Demonstrates collaborative abilities with respect for diverse perspectives 
  • Utilizes multicultural perspectives to apply and take steps toward addressing injustice and inequity 
  • Participates in opportunities to enhance cultural awareness at BCC, in the community, or globally 
  • Makes inquiries from an unbiased perspective to better understand various cultural and life experiences 
  • Utilizes gained knowledge of government and legal systems to understand complex societal issues 

Graduates of Barstow Community College will be able to practice decision-making that demonstrates well-developed interpersonal and intrapersonal skills necessary to set and achieve lifelong personal and professional goals. 

Some examples may include:

  • Develops professional skills and etiquette 
  • Persists by overcoming challenges using input from others to adapt and grow 
  • Confidently networks and builds relationships, sharing with and gaining from human connections 
  • Accepts personal responsibility and works to build desirable character traits 
  • Effectively collaborates and communicates with others to accomplish set goals 
  • Applies gained knowledge and skills to personal and professional life situations 
  • Demonstrates knowledge of financial responsibility and how to ably accomplish financial goals

ILO Evaluation Cycle

Institutional Learning Outcomes are evaluated on a four year cycle. Two ILOs are evaluated per year with a review of all ILOs every fourth year. Evaluations take place in Fall and evaluation results are reviewed in Spring. The schedule for ILO evaluation can be found below.


ILOs Evaluation Cycle


ACADEMIC YEAR:         2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2028-29
Communication Competency X     X X
Information Competency and Technical Skills X     X X
Critical Thinking and Analytic Inquiry   X   X  
Cultural Awareness and Civic Engagement   X   X  
Personal and Professional Development     X X