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College Governance Council

Purpose Statement: The President’s Shared Governance Council (PSGC) is a representative body designed to assist in governance of the District. Its authority is limited by the scope of collective bargaining, and by the responsibilities of the Superintendent/President.

Description: The PSGC through collaborative dialogue guides the goals, objectives and action plans of committees and departments through the Strategic Planning & Communication Process. The PSGC is charged with establishing committee purpose, composition and responsibility in order to promote coordination. The PSGC is the voting body responsible for ensuring that policies and procedures are reviewed and revised as necessary. The PSGC is also responsible for suggesting topics and recruiting presenters for the All College meetings.

Chairperson: District Superintendent/President (non-voting)

Meetings: Monthly


VOTING: The council consists of the three (3) representatives each from Faculty (Academic Senate President, BCFA President, One At-Large), Classified Staff (CSEA President, CSEA Vice President, One At-Large, Students (Student Trustee, ASG President, One At-Large), Managers (Mid-Level Managers)

NON-VOTING: President’s Cabinet,
Director of Research, Development & Planning