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Distance Education and Instructional Technology Committee (DEITC)

Purpose Statement

The purpose of the Distance Education and Instructional Technology Committee (DEITC) is to assist BCC faculty deliver engaging learning opportunities by promoting and supporting effective use of technology in the classroom, both online and face-to-face (F2F). DEITC develops policies and procedures that contribute tohighest standard of excellence and growth of distance education at Barstow Community    College.




The Distance Education and Instructional Technology Committee (DEITC) develops guidelines and policies aligned with the California Community College Online Education Initiative. In addition to Distance Education (DE), the DEITC promotes the use of technology in all aspects of the delivery of learning (classroom, distance, or otherwise). The DEITC also works collaboratively with the BCC Technology Committee to create continuous improvement in delivering engaging technology-assisted learning opportunities.




Distance Education CommitteeMission Statement

The committee will make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding:

  1. Curriculum and instruction, evaluation and assessment, technology, accessibility,infrastructure, and academic support services that affect the distance education coursedelivery.
  2. Policy issues including but not limited to intellectual property rights, class enrollment size, online office hours, online course development and management, online faculty academic qualifications, discussion posting requirements, and online course scheduling.
  3. Faculty development and support in the areas of pedagogy and technology to ensure that online faculty is capable of delivering and providing high quality learning environments forour students.


The faculty have the primary responsibility for developing policies and promoting distanceeducation practices. Each committee member will represent his/her division and act as a resource to all faculty and staff regarding distance education courses. The committee shall consist of the following members:



Voting Seats
Co-Chair - Dean of Instruction, Academic Support & Online Learning
Co-Chair - Faculty - Distance Ed & Instructional Technology Coord

Six Faculty Members Appointed by the Academic Senate [priority will be given to Distance Ed (DE) faculty]

Term of office for faculty members is two (2) years – per committee 10/24/17 & Academic Senate 11/16/17

Faculty - Library
Faculty - Counseling
Faculty - Gen Ed (HUMA, SS, MATH, SCI, PE)
Faculty - CTE/Workforce Dev
Faculty - PE (if not available then GE)
Faculty - FT or PT from Ft Irwin
Academic Affairs Administrator (appointed by the VPAA)
IT Director or designee
Instructional Designer (appointed by Dean of Instruction, AS&OL)
Access Coordinator or designee
Student - ASG


Barstow Community College

Language on Authentication of Distance Education Students


Federal Law [34 CFR §602.17(g)]

Requires the Commission to verify that institutions have effective procedures in place to ensure that thestudents who register in a distance or correspondence education course are the same students whoparticipate in and complete the course, and receive the academic credit.

Methods includes:


  1. A secure login and pass code (as through the Course Management System);
  2. Proctored examinations;
  3. New or other technologies and practices which are effective in verifying studentidentification.

Accreditation Standards [2013 ACCJC Guide to Evaluating Distance Education and Correspondence Education, P. 46 of 2013 ACCJC Guide to Evaluating DistanceEducation and Correspondence Education]

“Institutions which offer distance education or correspondence education must have processes in place through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education orcorrespondence course or program is the same person who participates every time in and completes thecourse or program and receives the academic credit. This requirement will be met if the institution verifies the identity of a student who participates in class or coursework by using, at the institution’s discretion, suchmethods as a secure log-in and password, proctored examinations, other technologies and/or practicesthat are developed and effective in verifying each student’s identification. The institution must also publishpolicies that ensure the protection of student privacy and will notify students at the time of class registrationof any changes associated with verification of student identity 34 C.F.R. § 602.17(g).”


Authenticating the identity of students enrolled in Distance Education Courses


BCC uses Learning Management System (LMS) to manage all Distance Education Courses. All thecourses offered on LMS require a unique user name and password to obtain access to the courses. Students are assigned a unique password and account designation. Student acknowledges that he/she isresponsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account. BCC requires a minimum ofone assignment or examination to be proctored for students enrolled in online distance educationcourses. BCC offers proctoring services in two different locations: main campus and Ft Irwin site. Studentsresiding outside the area may arrange for a qualified proctor near their residence which must be approvedby the instructor of the course. Should any proctoring issues arise, Faculty and/or Instructional TechnologyCenter will work to resolve the situation in a timely manner. The college will provide to each student at the time of registration a statement of the process in place to protect student privacy.


The vice president of Academic Affairs shall ensure the institution utilizes one or more of these methods toauthenticate or verify student identity.