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California Student Aid Programs

Cal Grant

The state of California offers Cal Grants to qualifying students who are residents of California and have graduated from a California high school. Award is based on criteria set by the California Student Aid Commission. Several legislative actions have been passed and signed into statute regarding eligibility criteria for CalGrants. 

For High School Graduates: 

You must have your GPA Verification Form sent to CSAC by March 2 by your high school. Most high schools are sending these electronically, but check with your high school guidance counselor for confirmation of the submittal.
You must complete your FAFSA on or before March 2. 

For community college students only, there is an additional award; deadline is September 2. If you are a current student, the GPA Verification Form is sent electronically; no action is needed by the student. The FAFSA must be completed before September 2. 

For further information regarding CalGrants, please go to the California Student Aid Commission's (CSAC) web site at:

Cal Grant A 

Eligibility is based on criteria set by the California Student Aid Commission. Monetary assistance is provided to meet tuition and fee costs at four-year universities. Awards to community college students may be placed on "reserve" for a maximum of two years, until a student transfers to a four-year institution. 

Cal Grant B 

This grant may be used at community colleges and universities, not to exceed four years. Cal Grant B students also receive tuition costs at the same level as Cal Grant A, beginning the junior year. 

Cal Grant C 

Assists eligible students enrolled in vocational training, leading to a Certificate or AA/AS degree, not a transfer program. 


Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG)

Awarded to students who receive a full time Cal Grant A, Cal Grant B or C award. Students enrolled in 12-14.99 units per semester are eligible to receive $649 for the semester and students enrolled in 15+ units per semester are eligible to receive $2,000 for the semester. The SSCG is disbursed when the student’s enrollment is frozen for full time Cal Grant disbursement. If there is funding available after the fall and spring disbursements are made then additional disbursements may also be awarded to students who have earned 24-29.99 units for the year (regardless of semester enrollment including summer). These additional awards are worth $1,298 and is dependent upon whether or not funding is still available. Students who have earned 30+ units may be eligible for an additional $2,000 for the year. If funding is still available. 

Students With Dependents Grant (SWD)

New Cal Grant regulations allow for an increased award for those students who have dependent students under the age of 18 that they are supporting and reside within the household. Potentially eligible students must either submit certification to the Financial Aid Office certifying they have dependents under the age of 18 that they are supporting or they can self-certify in their Web Grants 4 Students account. 

Maximum Annual Award Amounts

Cal Grant A (only for Community College students with dependents): $6,000

Cal Grant B: $6,024

Cal Grant C: $4,000


Barstow Community College uploads all students cumulative GPAs to the California Student Aid Commission twice a year for any student who has completed more than 16 degree-applicable units at BCC. 

You may check the Cal Grant website 48 hours before the actual deadline to see your reported GPA. If your reported GPA is not shown, please email

Chafee Grant

This program provides grants of up to $5,000 to eligible foster youth. An Independent Living Coordinator with the Department of Public Social Services determines whether or not a student is an eligible foster youth.

Students must be enrolled in college or vocational school at least half-time (6 units) during the fall and/or spring semester and must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) before the Chafee grant can be disbursed.

Disbursement is contingent upon eligibility and funding. An application for this grant can be completed online at This grant will be renewed automatically by CSAC as long as the student meets specific criteria. Each CHAFEE grant disbursement is released by CSAC during the fall and/or spring semester at which time the Foster Youth Liaison, located in Special Programs & Services, reviews the student’s eligibility prior to the disbursement being released to the student.

All disbursement(s) for Chafee grants must be picked up in person with a valid picture ID from the Foster Youth Liaison in the Special Programs & Services Office. 


California National Guard Grant

If you are an active member in the California National Guard, the State Military Reserve, or the Naval Militia you may be eligible for a state-funded program designed to provide an educational incentive to improve your skills, competencies, and abilities.

To qualify, you must:

  • Be an active member who has served two (2) years in the California National Guard, the State Military Reserve, or the Naval Militia;
  • Agree to remain an active member throughout the participation period in the program;
  • Agree to use the award to obtain a certificate, degree, or diploma that you currently do not possess;
  • Be enrolled in, registered at, or accepted to a qualifying institution;
  • Agree to maintain enrollment of a minimum of three (3) academic units per semester, or the equivalent, at a qualifying institution as defined by California Education Code section 69432(l);
  • Agree to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA); and
  • Be a resident of California for at least one year.


The application opens on January 15. The Priority Deadline is April 30. After April 30, applications will continue to be accepted on a “first come-first serve” basis until all awards are exhausted or until January 14, whichever comes first. 

Initial applicants must submit an online or paper application, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and the Statement of Understanding (SOU) specific to the academic year for which they are applying. 

·         CNG EAAP Application – online

·         Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

·         The Statement of Understanding  (Print and hand deliver to your commanding officer for signature.) 

·         CNG EAAP Initial Application (AY 2015-16 paper version) 

·         CNG EAAP Initial Application (AY 2014-15 paper version) 

 Initial applicants must submit all three items for a complete application, 

1.   EAAP application 

2.   Free Application for Federal Student Aid 

3.   Statement of Understanding 


The enrollment period for renewal participants is January 15th through June 1st of each year. Submit the Renewal Application and the Statement of Understanding (SOU), available on the links below, to the military department by June 1. 


·         CNG EAAP Application – online

·         The Statement of Understanding  (Print and hand deliver to your commanding officer for signature.) 

·         CNG EAAP Renewal Application (AY 2015-16 paper version) 

·         CNG EAAP Renewal Application (AY 2014-15 paper version) 

 If any of the dates fall on a weekend, then the following business day date will be used.

To learn more, read the Applicant's Fact Sheet or visit the CNG EAAP website. 


You may contact the CNG EAAP coordinator by e-mail at, by phone at (916) 854-4255 or (916) 854-4446, or by mail at the address below: 

California National Guard


PO Box 269101, Box 37

Sacramento, CA 95826-9101