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R.E.B.O.U.N.D Program

The R.E.B.O.U.N.D. Program is an equity funded probation/ academic dismissal student support program designed to provide academic assistance and encouragement for students on academic probation.    

  • Retake classes
  • Engage your purpose.
  • Be intentional about attendance
  • Own your future
  • Understand what went wrong
  • Narrow your activities
  • Determine that you are going to succeed

Students will work on improving academic standing with help from the R.E.B.O.U.N.D. Program, which provides the following services:

  • Matriculation Assistance
  • Academic & Personal Advising
  • Dedicated Counselor Support
  • Class Registration Assistance
  • School Supplies
  • Textbook Assistance
  • Academic Success Workshops
  • Electronic Gift Cards


R.E.B.O.U.N.D Interest Form

Program Requirements

  • Must be on Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal
  • Must register for a minimum of 6.00 Units

*Failure to complete one of the program requirements by the deadline may result in being dropped from the program*


Helpful Resources

Study Websites

Quizlet- Free Flashcards, tests, quizzes great for studying on the go!

Studyblue -Online Flashcards, homework help & Textbook Solutions

Grammarly - Free online writing assistant for essay papers

Wolframalpha- Computational intelligence, includes Mathematics, Science, Technology etc. 

Owl.purdue- Writing formats, MLA, APA formats, etc. 

Quartic-software- A realistic Scientific Calculator 

Studying methods

Pomodoro Method - A time management studying Method

Mind Maps - Creating Mind Maps online for studying, great for Visual learners

Anki - Free Flashcard making, includes spaced retention and tracking. 


Raise GPA – Learn how to Raise your GPA by imputing projected grades to view a new GPA

GPAcalculator – Know your GPA ahead of time by imputing grades received


Motivational video 

Motivational Video – Success is not Final, Failure is not Fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.

Frequently Asked Questions

At the end of the semester in which the student’s GPA falls below 2.0 in all units attempted, a notice that the student is on probation shall be sent to the student informing him/her that he/she is on probation


A student who has enrolled in a minimum of 12 or more semester units at Barstow Community College shall be placed on progress probation when the percentage of all units enrolled, and for which entries of “FW,” “W,” “NP” and incompletes are recorded, reaches or exceeds 50%.

Academic Probation 1 means that you earned a cumulative GPA below 2.0 for one semester. ​

Progress Probation 1 means that you didn’t complete 50% or more of your units. In other words, you received a W, NP, NC, or I instead of a letter grade.

Academic Probation 2 means that for two consecutive semesters within the district, you earned a cumulative GPA below 2.0

Progress Probation 2 means that for two consecutive semesters within the district, you didn’t complete 50% or more of your units. In other words, you received a W, NP, NC, or I instead of a letter grade. ​

A student who is on academic probation shall be subject to dismissal if the student has earned a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 in all units attempted in two consecutive semesters. A student who has been placed on probation shall be subject to dismissal if the percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled, for which entries of “W,” “I,” “NC,” and “NP” are recorded in two consecutive semesters, reaches or exceeds 50%. ​

If a student has previously been continued on probation after dismissal, but does not make significant academic progress (semester GPA of 2.0 and/or the percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled, for which entries of “W,” “I,” “NC” and “NP”, must be less than 50%), the student will be dismissed on level II status.

Good Academic Standing is if you took 12 or more units in a semester, earned a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and finished 50% or more of those units with grades other than W, I, NC/NP, well-done!

Your academic standing will be listed on your transcript. You can view your standing in your student portal by accessing your unofficial transcript. ​You will be notified by Barstow Community College when placed on probation or dismissal in writing or via email.

Meet with your BCC Counselor. You can schedule an appointment through your Viking Login Portal using the following tutorial: How to Schedule a Counseling Appointment

Earning a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and finished 50% or more of those units with grades other than W, I, NC/NP.