The California Dream Act became law through the passage of two Assembly Bills – AB 130 and AB 131. They allow students who meet AB540 criteria to become eligible to apply for state-funded financial aid.
Undocumented students who have applied and been admitted to Barstow Community College should review the AB-540 criteria to determine their eligibility to pay in-state tuition. If eligible, a California nonresident tuition exemption form should be filled out and submitted to the Admissions and Records Office.
Under California Law AB 540, certain nonresident students are exempt from paying nonresident supplemental tuition.
California is one of six states in the nation that offer state financial aid to undocumented students. The types of financial aid undocumented students can apply for depends on their residency status. The California Dream Act, which requires students to meet AB 540/ SB 68 eligibility, increases the options of state financial aid.
SB 68
SB 68 Expands AB 540.
SB 68 benefits students who didn’t go to three years of high school in California.
SB 68 allows students to count full-time attendance at a California Community College, Adult School, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction School, High School, or combination of these schools to meet the 3 years required to be eligible for in-state tuition. Students who have three years of high school coursework can also count attendance at an elementary school.
SB 68 benefits students who don’t have a California High School Diploma or didn’t get their GED in California. Students will be able to use an Associate’s Degree or the fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements for the UCs or CSUs to meet the requirements. Contact the school you plan to attend for further information.