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The California Dream Act became law through the passage of two Assembly Bills – AB 130 and AB 131. They allow students who meet AB540 criteria to become eligible to apply for state-funded financial aid.

Undocumented students who have applied and been admitted to Barstow Community College should review the AB-540 criteria to determine their eligibility to pay in-state tuition. If eligible, a California nonresident tuition exemption form should be filled out and submitted to the Admissions and Records Office.




Under California Law AB 540, certain nonresident students are exempt from paying nonresident supplemental tuition.

California is one of six states in the nation that offer state financial aid to undocumented students. The types of financial aid undocumented students can apply for depends on their residency status. The California Dream Act, which requires students to meet AB 540/ SB 68 eligibility, increases the options of state financial aid.

No. Citizens and permanent residents who would otherwise be classified as residents of other states who meet AB 540 criteria can qualify as California residents for tuition purposes and any financial aid benefits. Visit the CSAC California Dream Act website for more information.

  1. You must have attended a CA high school for at least 3 years.
  2. You must have graduated or attained the equivalent (usually passing the GED or California HS Proficiency exam).
  3. You must have filed for legal immigration status or will file as soon as possible. It is a legal requirement that you file an affidavit with BCC Admissions and Records swearing that this is true.

*If you meet these criteria visit BCC Admissions and Records Office and complete the AB-540 Affidavit / CA Nonresident Exemption Request and attach official transcripts.

  1. Must have attended a California high school for 3 or more full academic years (between grades 9 through 12, inclusive and does not need to be consecutive years); AB2000 modifies this section, to also include students who attain credits in a California high school equivalent to 3 or more years of full-time high school coursework and a total of 3 or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, secondary schools, or a combination of those schools.
  2. Must have or will graduate from a California high school or have attained a G.E.D.; or received a passing mark on the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE);
  3. Must register or is currently enrolled at an accredited institution of public higher education in California;
  4. Must file the CA Nonresident Exemption Request as required by individual institutions, stating that the filer will apply for legal residency as soon as possible;
  5. Must not hold a valid non-immigrant visa (F, J, H, L, A, E, etc.)

Be advised that you may need to provide proper documentation to prove eligibility, such as high school transcripts. For further details and information about AB-540 and its criteria, please visit the Admissions & Records or meet with a counselor.

SB 68

SB 68 Expands AB 540.

SB 68 benefits students who didn’t go to three years of high school in California.

SB 68 allows students to count full-time attendance at a California Community College, Adult School, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction School, High School, or combination of these schools to meet the 3 years required to be eligible for in-state tuition. Students who have three years of high school coursework can also count attendance at an elementary school.

SB 68 benefits students who don’t have a California High School Diploma or didn’t get their GED in California. Students will be able to use an Associate’s Degree or the fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements for the UCs or CSUs to meet the requirements. Contact the school you plan to attend for further information.

Immigrants Rising’s CA In-State Tuition Qualifier Tool helps you determine if you meet the attendance and degree requirements for in-state tuition. Even if you do not yet qualify, this tool can help you determine what steps you need take to meet eligibility in the future.