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Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs)

Logo of HBCUs

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have a strong academic reputation. Although only about 17% of Black undergraduates attend HBCUs, over 28% of African Americans who earn bachelor’s degrees do so from these institutions. Additionally, HBCUs are prominent in awarding degrees to African American students in fields such as the life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering.

Guaranteed Transfer Admission

Due to an agreement signed on March 17, 2015, between the California Community Colleges and several HBCUs, California community college students who meet specific academic criteria are guaranteed transfer to one of the participating HBCUs.

California community college transfer students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher are guaranteed admission to HBCU partner schools using either of the following two options:

  1. Complete a minimum of 30 UC or CSU units; or
  2. Complete a transfer level-associate degree (ADT) using the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education Breadth pattern. There may be additional prerequisites or other requirements for certain majors.

Additional program benefits for students under the agreement include:

  • Priority consideration for housing
  • Consideration for transfer scholarships for students with a 3.2 or higher GPA
  • Pre-admission advising

Learn more about this agreement at the CA Community Colleges HBCU Transfer website

Participating HBCU's

Below is a list of participating HBCU's along with links to each website. In addition, you can Find your HBCU match and also search for HBCU Online Degree Programs. 


Alabama State University  

Alcorn State University 

Arkansas Baptist College 

Benedict College 

Bennett College 

Bethune-Cookman University 

Bowie State University 

Central State University 

Claflin University 

Clark-Atlanta University 

Dillard University 

Edward Waters College 

Fisk University 

Florida Memorial University 

Fort Valley State University 

Grambling State University 

Harris-Stowe State University 

Huston-Tillotson University 

Kentucky State University 

Lane College 

Lincoln University of MO

Lincoln University of PA 

Mississippi Valley State University 

North Carolina Central University 

Philander Smith College

Shaw University 

Southern University and A&M College 

Stillman College 

Talladega College 

Tennessee State University 

Texas Southern University 

Tougaloo College 

Tuskegee University 

Virginia State University 

Wiley College 

West Virginia State University

Xavier University of Louisiana