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Services Available for Students

Associated Student Government (ASG)

You first need to complete the admissions application. You should then complete the online student orientation. After completing online orientation will want to meet with a counselor to discuss assessment, classes and a plan to complete your education. Email, or come to the college to see a counselor. If you have further questions please email


Barstow Community College offers comprehensive counseling services to assist students in meeting educational, vocational, and personal goals. Every student should meet with a counselor early to plan a class of study. Each new, matriculated student must see a counselor in order to register and enroll. Barstow Community College counselors offer extensive academic advisement, including educational plans, transfer advisement, degree and certificate evaluation, assessment, interpretation of institutional academic policies, academic and progress probation, counseling, and career counseling. General counseling is available on a walk-in or appointment basis. Call (760) 252-2411 ext 7351 or email for an appointment or additional information. Call (760) 252-2411 ext 7617 or email for Ft. Irwin counseling questions. Students participating in EOPS or ACCESS should contact those departments for more information.

Financial Aid

Students who need financial assistance should contact the Financial Aid Office at (760) 252-2411 ext 7205 or by email at well in advance of enrollment so that funds will be available when they are needed. Applications are available for federal and state grants.

Any student desiring federal financial aid benefits must have a high school diploma or the equivalent and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines.

For more information regarding financial aid opportunities, visit


You are invited to visit the college library. Become acquainted with a collection of more than 45,000 books and videos, 158 magazines and journal subscriptions, online catalogs, and databases. Ask a staff member for a library tour, browse subject bibliographies, and check out monthly displays. For more information, call (760) 252-2411 ext 7270 or see the library’s web page .

Lost and Found

Found property should be turned over to the Maintenance Technician in the Warehouse or left in the mailroom in the Administration Building. Inquiries for lost property can be made to (760) 252-2411 ext 7259. Owners must appear in person to identify and claim lost items. Unclaimed property will be disposed of after 30 days.

Serviceman’s Opportunity College (SOC)

Barstow Community College recognizes that individuals in the armed forces and their dependents have unique educational needs. The College commits its resources to meeting those needs. Equivalency credit may be granted for up to 30 units for military MOS and basic training. Credit may also be awarded for CLEP, DANTES, and other nationally approved testing programs. Wherever possible, the schedule of classes is built around the military site training and operational mission. Call (760) 252-2411 ext 7351 on campus or the Ft. Irwin center at ext 7601 for more information.

Special Programs and Services (SPS)

  • CalWORKs/Workforce Development Center:

CalWORKs/WDC assists eligible students with support services such as child care, career development, and employment placement. The program is designed to serve individuals attending classes in approved programs AND receiving Temporary Aid to Needy Families. For more information, contact (760) 252-2411 ext 7209.

  • Accessibility Coordination Center and Education Support Services (ACCESS)

Students who have a physical, learning, or communication disability may benefit from services offered by ACCESS. Barstow Community College offers assistance, special classes, and accommodation services for both day and evening students. Some facilities have been modified to assist students toward educational goals. For further information, visit the ACCESS or call (760) 252-2411 ext 7225 or TTY (760) 252-6759.

  • Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)

EOPS is a state-funded program that provides special services and assistance to educationally and economically disadvantaged students. Services include textbooks, child care assistance, transportation assistance, a summer readiness program, priority registration, counseling, peer advising, financial assistance, and other supportive services.

  • Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)

CARE provides special services over and above those provided by EOPS for students who are currently receiving public assistance, are single heads of household, have a child under fourteen years of age, and are accepted into the EOPS Program.

EOPS/CARE students must enroll in 12 units, be a California resident as determined by Admissions and Records, be BOG A or B eligible and provide assessment scores. Contact the EOPS Office for eligibility criteria and an application at (760) 252-2411 ext 7255 or 7201.

Transfer and Career Planning Center

The Transfer and Career Planning Center (TCPC) offers interviews with college representatives, tours of local colleges and universities, admission application forms for CSU and UC, an online college catalog service, videos and career-planning software that allows career and college research and planning. Call (760) 252-2411 ext 7321 for more information.

Tutorial Services Program

The purpose of the Tutorial Services Program is to provide timely assistance to students according to their expressed academic needs and to promote success. This service takes place within an environment conducive to learning. To accomplish this goal, the Tutorial Services Program provides a fivefold approach:

  • Walk-in tutoring center
  • One-on-one tutoring
  • Group study
  • Study hall
  • Online tutoring

To take advantage of these services, a student must be registered in one or more classes at Barstow Community College and enrolled in Education 150. The service is free. To become a tutor, a student must have completed the class to be tutored with a "B" or higher, be referred by the instructor, maintain an overall 2.5 GPA and complete the required eight-module training program. For more information, visit the Tutorial Center located in the Library or call (760) 252-2411 ext 7261.

Viking Shop Bookstore

The Viking Shop is the campus and community resource for textbooks, supplies and other materials. In addition to required class items, the Viking Shop has a variety of study aids available. The campus store offers a selection of college logo items, including clothing and gift items. An array of snack items can also be purchased at the bookstore. If you have questions about textbooks you may contact the Viking Shop via email at  or by phone at (760) 252-6722. Students may also shop for books online 24 hours a day, seven days per week at the online site . In addition to the basic services, the bookstore offers special orders for books. A public fax service is also available.

Viking Shop Store Hours

For information on store hours please visit our website at or contact us by phone at (760)252- 6722. The Viking Shop observes all campus holidays and closures.


Textbooks may be returned on full-term classes (18 weeks) up to three weeks after the class start date. Textbooks purchased for short-term classes (9 weeks or less) may be returned up to one week after the start of classes. Some restrictions may apply. Please contact the Viking Shop for more information.

Book Buyback Dates

Textbook buy back is available at the beginning, middle, and end of fall and spring semesters. Buyback is an opportunity to receive money back for books used during the term. The buyback is conducted by an independent book buyer. There is no guarantee by the bookstore that a book will be bought back at the end of the term. However, when a book is eligible to be bought back it may be worth up to 50% of the initial purchase price. Contact the bookstore for more information.

Off Campus Bookstore Services

Students may also shop for books online 24 hours a day, seven days per week at the online site . For further information about textbooks for Fort Irwin classes, please contact us by phone at (760) 252-6722.

Vocational and Technical Education (VTEA)

The VTEA program assists eligible vocational students majoring in any of the following areas: accounting, business, computer science, and management. Eligible students must be BOGW eligible and enrolled in a qualified vocational class. VTEA provides book loans, transportation assistance, child care assistance, and academic/vocational counseling. For more information, call (760) 252-2411 ext 7230.

Veterans Services

Veterans or their dependents may receive educational benefits for attending BCC. Contact (760) 252-2411 ext 7205 or email for more information. Veterans’ dependents may also be eligible for fee waivers. Contact Financial Aid for more information.

Visual Image Use

Barstow Community College reserves the right to use visual images of students and visitors, age 18 and older, taken on college property and at college sponsored events for marketing and promotional purposes. Objection to the use of an individual's image may be made in writing to the Public Information Office in the Administration Building.