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Course Repetition

Course Repetition

Generally, students may take a course only once. Students may repeat a course if:

  • The course is required to meet a legally mandated training requirement as a condition of paid or volunteer employment.

  • If there has been a significant lapse of time of no less than 36 months and BCC has established a recency requirement for a course or program OR the institution the student is transferring has an established recency requirement that the student cannot satisfy without repeating the course.

  • The student has earned a substandard grade (D, F or NP), or was assigned a withdrawal. The student may attempt the course two additional times in an effort to successfully complete the course.

  • A fourth enrollment may be granted by the Academic Exceptions Committee if the student has documented extenuating circumstances of why they did not complete successfully during the third attempt. Documented circumstances include verified cases of accidents, illness, or other circumstances beyond the student’s control that prevented completion of the course. The student must submit required documentation with the repetition request.