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Strategic Priority #1

Innovate to Achieve Equitable Student Success

Commitment- Focus relentlessly on Student’s end goals and always design with the student in mind. Require high expectations and pair those with high support.

Strategic Intentions:

  1. Promote the Barstow College Promise program, Transitional College and Dual enrollment and Adult Education programs to increase college access, affordability and completion.
  2. Regularly analyze and review college programs and services to ensure appropriate career and transfer options for the Barstow region that align with all accreditation standards.
  3. Ensure that districtwide enrollment management strategies are equitable and based upon the core priorities of student need, access, and success and are informed by the state’s student-centered funding model.
  4. Organize programs of study into meta-majors and manageable sets of pathways.
  5. Clearly articulate and simplify student choices with course and program learning outcomes while developing “road maps” and two-year plans that meet industry standards or articulate with key transfer institutions.
  6. Clearly articulate financial aid and student support opportunities to prospective students and their families.
  7. Produce and provide, well ahead of enrollment timelines, a student-centered schedule with creative scheduling patterns, for increased enrollment and timely program completion.
  8. Promote clear and concise information regarding attainable career and educational pathways in the catalog, college website, student handbook, social media and in all college publications.
  1. Design and implement processes, practices and tools that welcome and guide students into communities of career and study interests.
  2. Integrate faculty counselors with instructional faculty in all “gateway” courses to capture student majors and increase level of career interest.
  3. Determine appropriate supports to ensure the timely and efficient increase of students who transfer in their chosen field of study and/or receive jobs in their field of study.
  4. Provide opportunity for students to explore academic and career options from the beginning of their college experience.
  5. Align foundational skills and coursework with a student’s program of study while building contextualized instruction to meet the needs of all students.
  1. Support students through a strong advising process, embedded and ongoing in the pathway experience and supported by appropriate technology.
  2. Strengthen, clarify and provide accurate data and information about transfer and career opportunities at key educational milestones along the students’ chosen college path.
  3. Ensure the development of program plans with predictable scheduling patterns.
  4. Close equity gaps by providing supports through OER, low cost degrees, enhanced scholarship offerings, and out of classroom supports through tutoring and the Teaching and Learning Support Center.
  5. Embed academic and non-academic supports throughout students’ programs to promote student learning and persistence.
  6. Provide opportunity for volunteerism with internships and community involvement.
  7. Involve the college in an “everyone matters” campaign and design more support and opportunity for the population of students where data shows they are “highly unlikely to succeed.”
  8. Implement a college-wide focus on customer service based on the “Caring Campus” program strategies.
  1. Establish program-level learning outcomes aligned with the requirements for success in employment and further education.
  2. Apply the results of learning outcomes assessment to improve the effectiveness of instruction across programs.
  3. Integrate applied learning experiences to enhance instruction and student success in courses across programs of study.
  4. Incorporate effective teaching and best practices throughout the pathways.
  5. Incorporate equity-minded, student centered teaching strategies and relevant curriculum.
  6. Provide supports through the Teaching and Learning Support Center to enhance engagement, reinforce in-class learning, and encourage independent learning.
  7. Support faculty to:


  1. Adapt the learning experience to student groups who have historically underperformed in their coursework,
  2. Embrace innovative teaching strategies to enhance student engagement,
  3. Embrace innovative ways to use instructional technology to support and enhance teaching and learning.
  4. Contextualize foundational skills instruction to applied learning,
  5. Make program learning outcomes relevant to career and educational opportunities,
  6. Remain current in their discipline of expertise and help apprentice students into their community of practice,
  7. Reduce regional achievement gaps.
  1. Streamline processes to award certificates and degrees to increase the number of students who earn credentials and build skills for work.
  2. Increase the number of Associates Degrees for Transfer to CSUs, UCs and private colleges and universities, in alignment with Chancellor’s Office agreements with these transfer institutions.
  3. Consistently promote opportunities for informational and human connections to transfer institutions and career placement.
  4. Promote the ability for graduates to provide feedback on Barstow Community College program effectiveness and to serve as role models and mentors to prospective and new students.