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Strategic Priority #4

Achieve Sustainable Excellence in all Operations

Commitment – Focus Institutional Resources on the Structures, Processes, and Practices that support Transformation

Strategic Intentions:

  1. Create a transparent budget/ development and resource allocation process
  2. Improve the Budget Allocation Proposal (BAP) process.
  3. Maintain a budget reserve of at least 15 percent
  4. Create a streamlined and centralized grants process.
  1. Advance emergency planning and preparedness.
  2. Increase college-wide awareness of cyber policies, procedures, and best practices.
  3. Educate and train all students and employees on the Emergency Action Plan (EAP).
  4. Obtain additional District-wide resources and expertise in the area of personal safety and training.
  1. Foster the use of data, inquiry, and evidence.
  2. Improve access to integrated and actionable data.
  3. Ensure that the College’s information systems produce accurate data and information.
  4. Implement a comprehensive enrollment management plan.
  5. Infuse marketing and communication to support all college planning documents.
  6. Maintain relevant and accurate information on the BCC website.

1. Review and update the Facilities and Technology plans and integrate them into all planning documents.