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Strategic Priority #2

Ignite a Culture of Learning and Innovation

Commitment - Transform the community by leading strategic partnership development and action to achieve collective impact.

Strategic Intentions:

  1. Partner with area leaders in economic development activities within the region by creating partnerships and providing education and training focused on small and emerging business development.
  2. Revitalize the Barstow College Promise partnership between the Barstow Unified School District, Silver Valley Unified School District, Baker Unified School District and Barstow Community College, to include Cal State University San Bernardino, and the City of Barstow, to promote seamless education support and pathways for students.
  3. Collaborate with high school districts to improve rates of college readiness in high school graduates by aligning curricula and learning outcomes.
  4. Encourage the development of more associate degrees for transfer to University of California and California State Universities.
  5. Continue to support BCC’s participation in the California Virtual Campus-Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI) to further enhance access to resources for students and faculty as well as enhance online offerings and pathways.
  6. Become an effective force in attracting new business and industries to the region.
  7. Create opportunity to close regional achievement gaps by consulting with and including community agencies for collaboration with Adult Education and Strong Workforce program needs.
  8. Identify existing and emerging industry needs to inform the development and/or enhancement of pathways programming.
  9. Invest in areas of emerging need and in evolving fields of study and industry
  10. Maintain strong leadership in the Mountain Desert Economic Partnership.
  11. Close achievement gaps and elevate educational attainment of adults in the Barstow service area.
  12. Create innovative partnerships with the city of Barstow, government agencies, foundations and private sector entrepreneurs to act as incubators for new products, industries, and ways of doing business.
  13. Develop academic and internship programs that prepare students, faculty, staff and partners with knowledge and skills to pioneer innovations.
  14. Adopt best practices and collaborate with like institutions to implement initiatives in developmental education redesign.
  15. Continue to develop programming that welcomes and brings the community to the college to showcase the Performing Arts Center, the Wellness Center, Athletic contests and events that elevate the community and create awareness of college offerings and opportunity.
  1. Support faculty to develop noncredit programs with well-supported pathways to credit programs.
  2. Ensure program certificates and degrees lead to viable employment.
  3. Expand and further align the college’s career technical education programs and contract education with the workforce needs of the region.
  4. Create opportunities for lifelong learning and civic engagement with Career Technical Education, skill-based, and Community Education that empowers, enlightens and expands horizons for students of all ages and prior education levels.
  5. Provide opportunities to enhance faculty understanding of industry training and skill needs.
  1. Be flexible with scheduling and program offerings to our military partners by implementing a responsive approach to meet the current and unrecognized needs of students.
  2. Provide opportunity for soldier students and their families with co-curricular offerings and events as part of an ongoing outreach and marketing effort.
  3. Work in cooperation with military leaders to develop appropriate pathways and supports for educational attainment for soldier students.
  4. Identify facilities and equipment resources that can be leveraged from our military partners to expand credit, noncredit, and contract education offerings.
  1. Promote opportunities for the Board of Trustees, Superintendent-President, faculty, staff and students, to serve as ambassadors to all sectors of the community and to advocate effectively for the college and the community we serve.
  2. Focus on College Advancement, revenue generation and corporate sponsorships through support of the BCC Foundation and the creation of an alumni association.
  3. Support internships for current students, and recruit former students to serve as guest speakers or mentors for students in the pathways from which they graduated.
  4. Create a President Ambassadors Program and train members to speak to community groups, agencies, churches, philanthropic organizations, and at college fairs to promote and market the college from the student vantage point.
  5. Infuse educational programs with opportunities for students, faculty and staff to meaningfully participate in and build the greater Barstow community.
  6. Serve as an innovator and partner with elected officials to ignite and attract economic development opportunities to build a better Barstow.