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Consortium Agreements

Federal regulations state you may only receive Federal Financial Aid from one institution at a time. This does not include the California College Promise Grant (CCPG, formerly BOG).


However, in some cases, a student may be unable to take required classes at Barstow Community College and may be able to complete the necessary courses at another institution. 


In these situations, a student may request to have the units taken at the secondary college count towards their financial aid eligibility. In order to do so, the student must go through the Consortium process, which begins with the Consortium Agreement Form found here


The Financial Aid Consortium agreement must be agreed to and signed by the Financial Aid Office at both institutions (Primary and Secondary) before the units at the Secondary College can be counted towards the financial aid. 


  1. Complete FAFSA application for the appropriate aid year. Be sure to add your Primary School’s Federal School Code. Submit all outstanding Financial Aid requirements.  
  2. Register into courses at both the Primary and Secondary College.
  3. Complete the Student Section of the Consortium Agreement Form. Be sure to have a copy of your registration from your Secondary College. 
  4. Make an appointment with a Barstow Community College counselor to complete Section 2.  Be sure to take this form with you to your appointment. 
  5. Submit the Consortium Agreement Form, with Section 1 & 2 completed, to the Financial Aid Office at your Secondary College. 
  6. Submit completed/signed Consortium Agreement Form to the Barstow Community College Financial Aid Office. 
  7. After you complete the course at the secondary school you must submit an official transcript to BCC Admissions and Records for evaluation and posting to your BCC transcript no later than one month after the course(s) at the secondary college are completed. Failure to do so will result in an overpayment for the aid disbursed based on the hours at the secondary school. 




The completed/signed Consortium Agreement Form must be submitted no later than the final disbursement date paperwork deadline for the semester. See the Disbursement Schedule available here.

for further information regarding Financial Aid paperwork deadlines. 

No late submissions will be accepting. Consortium Agreements are approved one semester at a time. Consortium Agreements are not approved retroactively. 



If the Consortium Agreement is approved the financial aid disbursement for the units at the Secondary College will be made on the next available disbursement according to the corresponding paperwork deadline. Disbursements will not be made if the Financial Aid Office has not received the required proof of enrollment from the Secondary College. 

Financial Aid disbursements are processed in check form. Financial Aid checks are mailed no later than two weeks after the Disbursement Date. 

Students who withrdraw or are withdrawn from courses from subject to Overpayment and/or Return to Title IV calculation. This can occur at the Primary College, Secondary College, or both. For further information, regarding Overpayments and Return to Title IV see the Financial Aid Terms & Conditions found here.

SAP Guidelines

In order to maintain Federal Financial Aid eligibility all students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Students with approved Consortium Agreements must maintain SAP at both the Primary and Secondary Colleges. Units taken at the Secondary College will be considered when calculating SAP at the Primary College. 

See the Financial Aid Terms & Conditions found here for further information regarding SAP Policies & Procedures.