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Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary Procedures
Extracted from Administrative Procedure, AP No. 5520
References: Education Code Section 66300, 72122, 76030

The purpose of this procedure is to provide a prompt and equitable means to address violations of the Standards of Conduct, which guarantees to the student or students involved the due process rights afforded to them by state and federal constitutional protections. This procedure will be used in a fair and equitable manner, and not for purposes of retaliation. It is not intended to substitute for criminal or civil proceedings that may be initiated by other agencies.

Due Process When the Student Services Office is made aware of a possible violation of the Code of Conduct, and before any disciplinary action is taken against a student, the Vice President of Student Services will provide the student with notice of the conduct and will request the student to schedule a meeting to discuss the possible violation. During the meeting, the student will again be told the facts leading to the accusation, and will be given an opportunity to respond to the accusation. Within five days after the meeting, the Vice President of Student Services shall determine if the student’s behavior constitutes a violation of the Code of Conduct and, if warranted, shall decide whether to impose:

  • Removal from Class: Exclusion for the student by an instructor for the day of the removal and the next class meeting.
  • Written or Verbal Reprimand: An admonition to the student to cease and desist from conduct determined to violate the Code of Conduct. Written reprimands may become part of a student's permanent record at the college.
  • Short-term Suspension: Exclusion of the student by the Vice President of Student Services for good cause from one or more classes for a period of up to ten consecutive days of instruction.
  • Long-term Suspension: Exclusion of the student by the President for good cause from one or more classes for the remainder of the school term, or from all classes and activities of the college for one or more terms.
  • Withdrawal of Consent to Remain on Campus: Withdrawal of consent by the President and/or Vice President of Student Services for any person to remain on campus in accordance with California Penal Code Section 626.4 where the President and/or Vice President of Student Services has reasonable cause to believe that such person has willfully disrupted the orderly operation of the campus.
  • Expulsion: Exclusion of the student by the Board of Trustees from the college indefinitely.