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A student admitted to BCC must conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the social and educational functions of this institution. District Superintendent/President, or their designee, shall establish procedures for the imposition of discipline on students by the requirements for due process of federal and state laws and regulations. 

The procedures shall clearly define the conduct that is subject to discipline and shall identify potential disciplinary actions, including but not limited to the removal, suspension, or expulsion of a student. 

The procedures shall be made widely available to students through the college catalog and other means. Regarding disciplinary action, all students shall be entitled to due process in accordance with Education Code Sections 66017 and 76037, as well as Board Procedure (BP) 5500 and Administrative Procedure (AP) 5520.

The following conduct, including attempts to engage or aid in such conduct, are example violations of the standards:

  • Disrupting and/or obstructing the Colleges supported activities (e.g., teaching and advising).
  • Failing to comply with the directions of faculty and staff.
  • Harassment, stalking of a non-sexual nature, and unwanted personal contact. 
  • Physical abuse, physical assault and conduct threatening the health or safety of any person.
  • Theft and/or damage to College property, or personal property while on College grounds.
  • Unauthorized entry and/or use of College properties (e.g., locked classrooms, computers, accounts, etc.)

Report a Student Conduct Concern: 

If you have witnessed or experienced a potential student conduct incident, please report it using the Student Conduct Incident Form or by emailing These reports can be used for any behavioral or academic issues that arise. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of the Vice President of Student Services by email at or by phone at (760) 252-2411 ext. 6513.