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Dual Enrollment

Earn College Credit while in High School for Free!

Start your college journey now through Barstow Community College’s Dual Enrollment Program!


What is Dual Enrollment? 
Dual Enrollment allows high school students to take college classes for FREE!


Why should you pursue Dual Enrollment?

  • You could earn high school and college credit at the same time!
  • You can get started on your degree requirements for CSU and UC institutions!
  • Explore your interests before choosing a major!


Dual Enrollment Eligibility and Restrictions:

  • Be in the 9th through 12th grade
  • All dual enrollment students may enroll in up to 11.5 units for Fall and Spring and 6 units for Summer
  • Students may NOT enroll in physical education courses or remedial courses



Please fill out our Dual Enrollment Interest Form to be contacted by a Dual Enrollment Team Member.
Have Questions? Please email



Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)


Department of Education Logo

Per the U.S. Department of Education...
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level [such as college].


FERPA rights are transferred from the parent or guardian to the student once the student is enrolled at Barstow Community College. The dual enrollment student is officially a college student once their parent or guardian signs the Dual Enrollment Agreement Form.  

College faculty, classified staff, and management are not allowed to release any dual enrolment student information to the legal parent or guardian. College faculty, classified staff, and management can only work directly with the dual enrollment student. 




Have a 504/IEP Plan?

You must apply to the ACCESS program!


If you have a 504/IEP Plan, it is the student's responsibility to apply to Barstow Community College Accessibility Coordination Center and Educational Support Services (ACCESS) program in order to receive the support you need for your college courses.

The college student will not be able to obtain additional assistance until they are a part of the ACCESS program.

Please go to the ACCESS website and complete the ACCESS Intake Form to apply to the program.

If you have any questions, please call or email the ACCESS office.

Phone: 760-252-2411 ext 7225   |  Email:



Dual Enrollment Step-by-Step Process

Step 1

Apply to Barstow Community College on OPENCCC Apply

Step 2

Meet with a College Counselor to Create a Student Education Plan

Step 3

Complete the Dual Enrollment Agreement Form

  • Students must complete the form and get all required signatures
  • You must include ALL the classes you are interested in taking on this form. 
  • If you attend one of our High School Partners, you must turn in your completed form to your High School Counselor who will then submit it to Barstow Community College on your behalf
    • High School Partners: Alternative Education Center, Barstow High School,  Baker District, Central High (Continuation) School, Mojave River Academy, and Silver Valley High School 
  • If you do NOT attend one of our High School partners, the form must be submitted to our Admissions & Records office for processing. Admissions & Records Email:
  • Students must fill out a Dual Enrolment Agreement form for EVERY semester they want to take college courses
  • Click here to access our Dual Enrollment Agreement Form

Step 4

Log into the BCC Single-Sign on Portal to complete the Online Orientation

Step 5

Register for Classes

  • If you attend one of our High School partners, your High School Counselor will notify you when have been registered into the college course.
    • High School Partners: Alternative Education Center, Barstow High School,  Baker District, Central High (Continuation) School, Mojave River Academy, and Silver Valley High School 
  • If you do NOT attend one of our High School partners, it is the student's responsibility to register for their course(s) once their Dual Enrollment Agreement form has been processed by Admissions & Records.
  • Click here to view instructions on 'How to Register for Classes'

Step 0

Apply to Barstow Community College on OPENCCC Apply


Step 1

Meet with a College Counselor to Update your Student Education Plan

Step 2

Complete the Dual Enrollment Agreement Form

  • Students must complete the form and get all required signatures
  • You must include ALL the classes you are interested in taking on this form. 
  • If you attend one of our High School Partners, you must turn in your completed form to your High School Counselor who will then submit it to Barstow Community College on your behalf
    • High School Partners: Alternative Education Center, Barstow High School,  Baker District, Central High (Continuation) School, Mojave River Academy, and Silver Valley High School 
  • If you do NOT attend one of our High School partners, the form must be submitted to our Admissions & Records office for processing. Admissions & Records Email:
  • Students must fill out a Dual Enrolment Agreement form for EVERY semester they want to take college courses
  • Click here to access our Dual Enrollment Agreement Form

Step 3

Register for Classes

  • If you attend one of our High School partners, your High School Counselor will notify you when have been registered into the college course.
    • High School Partners: Alternative Education Center, Barstow High School,  Baker District, Central High (Continuation) School, Mojave River Academy, and Silver Valley High School 
  • If you do NOT attend one of our High School partners, it is the student's responsibility to register for their course(s) once their Dual Enrollment Agreement form has been processed by Admissions & Records.
  • Click here to view instructions on 'How to Register for Classes'

If you are a homeschooled student, please view the following information below: 

  • Homeschool as a home-based private school: Students attending school under this method must attach a copy of the annual private school affidavit filed with the California Superintendent of Public Instruction.
  • Homeschool with a private satellite program: Students must have the principal or counselor of the private satellite program sign off on the Dual Enrollment Agreement.
  • Homeschool via instruction by a private tutor: The person signing the Dual Enrollment Agreement as principal must hold a valid California teaching credential and must provide documentation.

For more information visit


Dual Enrollment



Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you must complete a Dual Enrollment Agreement form every semester.

Yes, you must submit an updated Dual Enrollment Agreement form if you want to add or change a new course. 

Yes, BCC (Barstow Community College) counselors offer counseling, educational planning, and other services to assist students in achieving their educational goals at BCC. Counselors assist with short and long-term education planning and help students make informed choices about career, transfer, and personal enrichment. Furthermore, counselors verify course requirements so that students meet graduation requirements, course prerequisites, and eligibility for transfer to four-year universities.

If you decide to take a break from taking a course during the Fall or Spring term, you will have to reapply to BCC (Barstow Community College) on CCCAPPLY. If you do not re-apply, you will be unable to register for the current term. 

No, you do not need to complete a FASFA application as a Dual Enrollment student. Dual Enrollment students can take 11.5 units FREE every Fall and Spring semester, and 6 units FREE in the summer semester. 

If a dual enrollment student exceeds the 11.5-unit limit for the semester, they will no longer qualify for the tuition fee waiver and will be required to pay out of pocket for all the units for that semester. Staying within the allotted unit limit will allow the dual enrollment student to qualify for the tuition fee waiver.

Students in middle or elementary schools may appeal to attend. The school must provide transcripts and a letter signed by the principal indicating how in his or her opinion the student can benefit from instruction. The Dual Enrollment Director will determine if the student is highly gifted and has the abilities and sufficient preparation to benefit from the instruction at a community college, and the student’s safety and that of others will not be affected. The decision of the Dual Enrollment Director shall be final. Once a decision is made, the student, parent/guardian, and the school principal will be informed. 

The determination may be done by applying one or more of the following options:

  • A review of the materials submitted by the student;
  • Meeting with the student and his/her parent or guardian;
  • Consultation with Instructional Deans, Dean of Enrollment Services and Management, or Dean of Counseling;
  • Consideration of the welfare and safety of the student and others;
  • Consideration of local, state, and/or federal laws;
  • Review of the content of the class in terms of sensitivity and possible effects on the minor;
  • Requirements for supervision of the minor; and/or
  • Times the class(es) meet and the effect on the safety of the minor.

It is very important to regularly check your progress in your college course. By consistently checking your grades, you can see how you are doing and connect with your professor to resolve any concerns in a timely manner.

If you feel you will not be able to pass your course, please reach out to your high school counselor and college counselor as soon as possible! We are here to help you be a succesful college student!

Any grade that you recieve at Barstow Community College will need to be reported to any other college/university you attend. These grades always need to be reported, so it is important that you express grade concerns to your high school and college counselor as soon as possible.

Tip: If you have a C, D, or F in your college course, reach out to your college professor to see if there is anything you can and then connect with your high school & college counselor!

It is the student's responsibility to drop a course. It is NOT the responsibility of the instructor or college staff.

If you are in danger of earning a "D" or "F", you may want to consider dropping the course with a "W". This means that you have decided to withdraw instead of earning a non-passing grade. A "W" does not get calculated into your college GPA.

Last Day to Drop Without an Academic Record (No W): This is the last day to drop to avoid receiving a “W” (withdrawal) posted to your official academic record (transcript).

Last Day to Drop With a Penalty (With a W): This is the very last day you can drop the class. A "W" (withdrawal) will be posted to your official academic record (transcript) but will not be calculated toward your college GPA.

Once the last day to drop with a "W" deadline date has passed, you will receive a grade in the course regardless of whether you complete it or not.

Make sure to contact your high school and college counselor if you would like to drop a course.

Click here to view the YouTube video tutorial on "How to Drop a Course & Check Drop Deadline Dates"