Enrollment fees and other fees are due at the start of the semester. Once the semester starts, your ability to add/drop classes will NOT be affected as long as your balance is below $22. If your balance is over $22 you will NOT be able to add/drop classes. You may apply for enrollment fee waivers and other financial aid at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa using school code (001119). If you have questions please email admissions@barstow.edu.
Enrollment Fee
$46 per unit (subject to change).
Eligible students may qualify for a waiver of their enrollment fees. Dependents of service-connected disabled or deceased veterans may be eligible for a waiver of fees. *Special part-time concurrently enrolled students enrolled in 10.5 or fewer units are exempt. |
10% of class meetings. View your Schedule and Account Informationfor specific dates. |
Non-Resident Tuition
Non-California resident students must pay the current tuition per unit + $46 per unit enrollment fee.
10% of class meetings. View your Schedule and Account Information for specific dates. |
Contract Education |
$165 per unit.
10% of class meetings. View your Schedule and Account Information for specific dates. |
100% Refund |
After 10% of class meetings. | No Refund | ||
Student Activities Fee | $10 - Funds support the many student organizations/clubs on campus, as well as academic, cultural, and social events and activities offered by the Associated Student Government at BCC. Purchase of the sticker each semester entitles student to a variety of discounts | Non-refundable. Fee may be waived by students who waive their right to participate in elections for ASG representatives and officers and do not wish to participate in academic, cultural, and social events and activities offered by the ASG. The student must complete the Request for Waiver of the Student Activities Fee, obtain the signature of the Director of Student Development and Outreach or the President of the Associated Student Government, and submit the form to Admissions and Records by the published deadline to pay fees for the semester or within one week of registering for late registrations. Failure to submit the fee waiver by the deadline will result in the inability to waive the fee. Waiver forms are available. |
Student Representation Fee Required of All Students |
$2 - Funds are used for purposes related to representing students’ views with governmental bodies. | Non-refundable. Fee may be waived due to religious, political, moral or financial reasons. The student must complete the Request for Waiver of the Student Representation Fee, obtain the signature of the Director of Student Development and Outreach or the President of the Associated Student Government, and submit the form to Admissions and Records by the published deadline to pay fees for the semester or within one week of registering for late registrations. Failure to submit the fee waiver by the deadline will result in the inability to waive the fee. Waiver forms are available. |
Audits or Community Service | Audit Fee - $15 per unit, waived if enrolled in 10 or more units and auditing 3 or fewer units. Community Service fee varies. | Non-refundable unless class was cancelled. Fees must be paid at time of registration. | |
Returned Check Fee | $10 | Charge for personal checks returned for non-sufficient funds. | |
Materials Fee | Variable | Some classes require a fee for instructional materials, testing, etc. This charge is noted under the appropriate class listing. Students will be dropped if fees are not paid by noon the Wednesday before the class is scheduled to meet. |
REFUND POLICY Students who drop a class within the first 10% of class meetings are eligible for a 100% refund of enrollment fees and nonresident tuition. Refunds are processed automatically, and students may expect to receive a refund check in two to four weeks. Cancelled classes are automatically refunded. For refund drop deadlines for all classes, students should refer to their Schedule and Account Information page by logging into My Barstow Portal. It is the student’s responsibility to check these dates immediately after registration, as deadlines can be as early as the first or second day of class. For students who are active or reserve U.S. military personnel and receive PCS or TDY orders, Barstow Community College shall, upon receipt of student orders and petition from the student, refund enrollment fees unless a grade has already been granted.
PAYMENT PROCEDURES Students who are eligible and submit all necessary documentation by the established deadlines will be allowed to use their federal financial aid at the Viking Bookstore to purchase books beginning the week before classes begin through the Thursday of the second week of the semester. Any financial aid funds remaining after the use of the bookstore authorization are mailed to the student via check. DISBURSEMENT SCHEDULE BCC has a full term disbursement schedule as well as disbursement schedules for students enrolled in modules. The basis of enrollment is a full time 18 week semester and two 9 week modules within the 18 week semester.
Overpayments are calculated at each disbursement point until enrollment is frozen. Once enrollment is frozen, Return of Title IV is calculated. Students are given a 15 day time period to make payment to BCC. Failure to pay by the deadline results in the institution reporting the students to the Department of Education for collections. RETURN OF TITLE IV FUNDS Students who receive federal financial assistance but withdraw from all classes after enrollment is frozen for the semester will be required to return any unearned federal funds. When a student withdraws from an institution during a payment period or period of enrollment, the institution must determine the amount of Title IV grant that the student earned as of the student’s withdrawal date. For online classes, the last date of attendance is calculated based on the last date the student had a substantial academic interaction, such as submitting an assignment, completing a quiz, posting a discussion, etc. Viewing course content will not count as a substantial interaction. The last date of attendance is verified through the Instructional Technology Center. For classes that are not online, the date the student officially withdrew from the course through the student portion is used. The last date of attendance for classes that are not online is assumed to be 50% of the attendance period. If the student was disbursed more than the amount earned, the student will be in repayment status. If it is determined there is an institutional portion, this becomes a debt the student owes the institution. Student portions are treated in the same manner as overpayments. |